My life by definition...

Why did I choose this title? Because it is my life...Jesus is life! This is my position, concerning my life by definition. I hope each and every day I am a light of God's word. This is my LIFE by definition of God's WORD. Hand in hand. Amen!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's like going on a bad vacation

Surgery that is. 

I have been preparing all week! 

Doing loads of laundry.
Grading papers to post for 3rd quarter grades.
Doing chores early.
Washing sheets.
Extra grocery shopping for after surgery foods.
 And then to top it all off...SUB PLANS!

I don't know if a sub would think I'm their most glorious dream for a teacher, or their worst nightmare.  I wish I would have taken a picture of the sub plans for y'all today.  I have post it notes on my computer table and desk telling the sub that my sub plans are on the kidney table. I have labeled every page of every teacher edition that they may need.  Everything is highly organized and explained.  I am such a control freak!

My worst fear today was not knowing the amount of days I was going to have to take off.

My surgery is laparoscopic.  No large incision.  Still major surgery, but people can return to work much quicker with this type of surgery.  Surgery is tomorrow and hopefully I can return to work Tuesday.  That means I would only miss Monday with my kids because there is no school tomorrow. 

Problem is, I won't know when I can go back to work until my post-op appointment on Monday!

Stress for a control freak!

So I made sub plans all the way through Wednesday.  I have everything mapped out and detailed.  I am so afraid, however, that one of the subs might mess up my routine for the next one! AHHHH!

Good thing I have my dearest friend and wonderful interpreter in my room.  She can keep them on track and text me daily for my sanity!

I am so worried about everything.



Potential lifetime change in my eating habits

4-6 weeks of no lifting or working out

It's just such an upheaval of my life!  I know that it is going to help me rely on God a heck of a lot more.  I am going to have to rely on him to not stress about work when I'm out.  I'm going to have to know that everything will be fine during the surgery and if it is not, it's because it's in His will.  I will have to have his constant help to remind me to take it easy for the 4-6 weeks after. 

I pray that I can find peace in this whole situation. 

Ironically, as I'm writing this my dear friend Darla texted me. 

Obviously God speaking through her!! What a blessing!!

And it tells me I need to get off the computer because it's making me worry. 

Love you all.  Please pray!



Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A little late, but a little motivation - plus a glance at LWS!

I'm currently trying to keep up with my life as well as get ahead of my life while preparing for my surgery.  I will be out hopefully only a day, but for a teacher, that's a decade!

So, needless to say, I obviously didn't get to post yesterday...Instead I was grading papers :( Boo. 

First, let's begin with our Godspiration of the week.  As I go through every day, I try to remind myself of the Fruits of the Spirit.  It helps me stay grounded throughout the day.  When I feel angry or depressed, I remember I am supposed to have JOY.  When people are mean to me and I want to dislike them, I remember I am supposed to LOVE them.  When I am stressed, I remember I am to have PEACE.  When I get frustrated about repeating myself to the little monkeys in my room, I remember they are testing my PATIENCE.  When People are rude to my face, I remember I am supposed to react with KINDNESS.  My life should constantly reflect the Lord's GOODNESS.  When I begin to doubt, I must rely on my FAITHFULNESS.  When the time comes, I rely on my GENTLENESS to handle students tough moments.  When I want to snap (usually when one of my other Fruits fail me) I demonstrate SELF-CONTROL.  Through my Father, I am able to get it together and have a beautiful day in His graces. 


Today I did a small presentation on Literacy Workstations!! I love these things!! I wish I knew how to insert documents (help out there...please!) but since I can't...I figure I'd just share a few things!!

These are documents, but I'm inserting them as pictures...hopefully you can still snag them if you want.  If not...comment with your email and I'll send you the PDF!! :)

First...READING TASK CARDS... Whoot!

These are great for stations or any reading activity like The Daily 5.  When I first started tutoring, before teaching, I loved to use these in my small group to lead the discussion! Enjoy!!

Second...a "book report fortune teller".  The students can add the details into the fortune teller, create it, and then share their book with others.  They love this activity because they get to fold.  I don't know about your class, but for the past 2 years, my fourth graders have been OBSESSED with origami.  This fits nicely into that category!!

Hope you all enjoyed these freebies!

Love you all and blessings!


Thursday, March 1, 2012

I don't know what to blog about...

Surgeon Generals Warning: This Blog post contains makes no sense and may cause your brain harm.  Read at your own risk!

I'm supposed to blog about organizing life/home today, but honestly...NO ENERGY. 

I'm so tired...I've been sleeping all night perfectly fine, but something is draining me.  I don't know if it's the constant pain I'm dealing with, mental exhaustion, or just self-pity (yes...I'm feeling a little sorry for myself since I have to have a problem with it? lol). 

Needless to say...I've been tired.

So...when I'm tired like this...I don't do much.  I love to catch up on the DVR...drink a SkinnyGirl (shout out to Bethenny Frankel) a book...or my newest obsession, needlepoint. 

Yes, you read that correctly, needlepoint.

I'm sitting at home, currently waiting for my sweet hubby to get off work.  There is no point going to bed without him, because even if I try to go to sleep, I can't actually do it until he's in bed with me.  I worry to much...part of that OCD brain of mine.

Saw a funny Pin my friend Missy had on OCD... BTW...

it said...and I quote....
"I have's like OCD but all the letters are in order, as they should be". 

Made me laugh.  I'm so regimented in my OCD/CDO ways.  Did you know I'm such a psycho that I color code my closet and all of my clothing drawers?  Since I'm a teacher, it's according to the colors of the rainbow.  Basically White, ROYGBIV, Pink, Brown, Black.  I also fold my underwear and bag my lingerie.  My sister-in-law loves to joke that I'm crazy.  Maybe I should post pictures one day...

Well...I think I'm going to go read in bed...

Hope you all enjoyed my ramblings of the night!!

Love you all!!
