My life by definition...

Why did I choose this title? Because it is my life...Jesus is life! This is my position, concerning my life by definition. I hope each and every day I am a light of God's word. This is my LIFE by definition of God's WORD. Hand in hand. Amen!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A little late, but a little motivation - plus a glance at LWS!

I'm currently trying to keep up with my life as well as get ahead of my life while preparing for my surgery.  I will be out hopefully only a day, but for a teacher, that's a decade!

So, needless to say, I obviously didn't get to post yesterday...Instead I was grading papers :( Boo. 

First, let's begin with our Godspiration of the week.  As I go through every day, I try to remind myself of the Fruits of the Spirit.  It helps me stay grounded throughout the day.  When I feel angry or depressed, I remember I am supposed to have JOY.  When people are mean to me and I want to dislike them, I remember I am supposed to LOVE them.  When I am stressed, I remember I am to have PEACE.  When I get frustrated about repeating myself to the little monkeys in my room, I remember they are testing my PATIENCE.  When People are rude to my face, I remember I am supposed to react with KINDNESS.  My life should constantly reflect the Lord's GOODNESS.  When I begin to doubt, I must rely on my FAITHFULNESS.  When the time comes, I rely on my GENTLENESS to handle students tough moments.  When I want to snap (usually when one of my other Fruits fail me) I demonstrate SELF-CONTROL.  Through my Father, I am able to get it together and have a beautiful day in His graces. 


Today I did a small presentation on Literacy Workstations!! I love these things!! I wish I knew how to insert documents (help out there...please!) but since I can't...I figure I'd just share a few things!!

These are documents, but I'm inserting them as pictures...hopefully you can still snag them if you want.  If not...comment with your email and I'll send you the PDF!! :)

First...READING TASK CARDS... Whoot!

These are great for stations or any reading activity like The Daily 5.  When I first started tutoring, before teaching, I loved to use these in my small group to lead the discussion! Enjoy!!

Second...a "book report fortune teller".  The students can add the details into the fortune teller, create it, and then share their book with others.  They love this activity because they get to fold.  I don't know about your class, but for the past 2 years, my fourth graders have been OBSESSED with origami.  This fits nicely into that category!!

Hope you all enjoyed these freebies!

Love you all and blessings!


1 comment:

  1. I'm a 4th grade teacher and would love to get the PDF's for the reading task cards. Thanks so much for posting these. They're great!
    My email is
