My life by definition...

Why did I choose this title? Because it is my life...Jesus is life! This is my position, concerning my life by definition. I hope each and every day I am a light of God's word. This is my LIFE by definition of God's WORD. Hand in hand. Amen!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

I don't know what to blog about...

Surgeon Generals Warning: This Blog post contains makes no sense and may cause your brain harm.  Read at your own risk!

I'm supposed to blog about organizing life/home today, but honestly...NO ENERGY. 

I'm so tired...I've been sleeping all night perfectly fine, but something is draining me.  I don't know if it's the constant pain I'm dealing with, mental exhaustion, or just self-pity (yes...I'm feeling a little sorry for myself since I have to have a problem with it? lol). 

Needless to say...I've been tired.

So...when I'm tired like this...I don't do much.  I love to catch up on the DVR...drink a SkinnyGirl (shout out to Bethenny Frankel) a book...or my newest obsession, needlepoint. 

Yes, you read that correctly, needlepoint.

I'm sitting at home, currently waiting for my sweet hubby to get off work.  There is no point going to bed without him, because even if I try to go to sleep, I can't actually do it until he's in bed with me.  I worry to much...part of that OCD brain of mine.

Saw a funny Pin my friend Missy had on OCD... BTW...

it said...and I quote....
"I have's like OCD but all the letters are in order, as they should be". 

Made me laugh.  I'm so regimented in my OCD/CDO ways.  Did you know I'm such a psycho that I color code my closet and all of my clothing drawers?  Since I'm a teacher, it's according to the colors of the rainbow.  Basically White, ROYGBIV, Pink, Brown, Black.  I also fold my underwear and bag my lingerie.  My sister-in-law loves to joke that I'm crazy.  Maybe I should post pictures one day...

Well...I think I'm going to go read in bed...

Hope you all enjoyed my ramblings of the night!!

Love you all!!


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