My life by definition...

Why did I choose this title? Because it is my life...Jesus is life! This is my position, concerning my life by definition. I hope each and every day I am a light of God's word. This is my LIFE by definition of God's WORD. Hand in hand. Amen!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Encouraging GOOD Choices in the Classroom!

As everyone knows, there are about a gazillion different behavior management plans out there.  Sometimes schools will choose the plan all teachers will use.  Sometimes you bounce between different methods.  Sometimes you TRY to implement something that you saw in another classroom, feeling as if it's not working like it should. 

I've seen it all. 

 I noticed over the years, however, that the majority of behavior plans had a "good" color that the students started on and then "bad" colors that they would change to when they made poor choices. 

I remember once, in third grade, getting on 'YELLOW' for something that I wasn't even involved in.  Being the Type-A, OCD person that I am, I was devastated.  And even though my choices throughout the day were perfect (besides the crying when I first had to clip down) I still went home and had to explain the YELLOW to my mother...


I believe I have finally found a behavior plan that works wonders in any classroom. It's called a "CLIP CHART".  Every student starts out on the good color and can not only clip down for bad choices, but clip up for good ones! Not only that, but in my class on the clip chart, if you clip down to yellow or orange, you can change your choices and clip back up!  Positive reinforcement goes a LOONNNGG WAY.

Let me give you a little pretend scenario of how I would use my Clip Chart to fix a problem in my class.  I always use the same 3 steps. 

Let's pretend that Billy Joe and Billy Jane were talking instead of doing their work. 

The first step would be to praise a student who IS doing what they are supposed to be doing.  "I love the way Susie Q is doing her work - she is so focused and quiet.  Susie, please clip up!"  You won't believe how many students will start to focus more in hopes of clipping up.  Great way to refocus your class even if there is only one or two doing what they are supposed to!

The second step would be to give some POSITIVE redirection.  No negatives! "Billy Joe and Billy Jane, I would love it if you could focus more on your work for me!"  No clipping will happen unless they adhere to the redirection.  Depending on how many times I've had to redirect throughout the day, I may say "Thank you so much for focusing, you may clip up".  This rewards them for making a good choice. 

If they don't refocus, you would move to step three...the clip down.  "Billy Joe and Billy Jane, you aren't making good choices.  Can you tell me what poor choice you are making?"  The students may or may not remember what your redirection you either start with "Correct" or just say "You were choosing to talk instead of doing your work, please go clip down"

I've noticed for the most part, clipping up is VERY popular!! Each clip up is a different "Jungle Buck" amount in our classroom economy and each clip down is 2 "Jungle Bucks" off in the classroom economy.  The steps and rewards are as follows
Start at Green "Ready to Learn" - no money if you stay on this all day.
Clip ups: Blue "Good Job" - One Jungle Buck.  Purple "Great Job" - Two Jungle Bucks.  Pink "Outstanding" - note home, three jungle bucks and three school wide raffle tickets.  Top of the Chart! (When the students continue to make good choices after they get to Pink they put it on the very top of the chart) - note home, four jungle bucks, four school wide raffle tickets, and a piece of candy from the candy jar.  OFF THE CHART!! (Highest honor - student get to place their clip anywhere on my clothing or hair and any teacher that passes I am required to brag about the clip on me) - note and call home, five jungle bucks, five school wide raffle tickets, a piece of candy, and a pick from the treasure box.  They all reach for the stars on this one.  Everything pink or above also gets either a crystal or star sticker on their clip.  When the clip is full of stickers, that clip is retired to the clip chart wall of fame and the student gets a special treat basket that I pick up from the dollar store with just a few dollars worth of candy, chips, and goofy things kids love like silly string and playdoh. 
Clip Downs - yellow "Slow Down" - loss of two jungle bucks.  Orange "Think about it" - loss of four jungle bucks and they must fill out the behavior reflection form which must be signed by the parent and returned EVEN if they get to clip back up.  I give too many warnings to let an orange slide.  Red is "Parent Contact".  If they get on red there is NO WAY they can clip up.  I go through so many steps and warnings that if they reach red in a day there is no forgiveness.  They loose six jungle bucks, must fill out a RED reflection form and they advance on our school wide discipline plan.  They must also sit out at recess the following day writing an apology letter to whomever their behaviors affected. 

This is my creation of the clip chart for next year.  For the past two years I did it on construction paper, one piece for each color and it is just too tall for my little fourth graders.  This one will go with my theme and I will print it on card stock and mount it on Zebra Print - finally...LAMINATE! :) You may steal if you wish!

I think I have explained my method of the clip chart the best I can, but I learned all I know from an e-book I can't figure out how to attach.  If you would like it, I'd be happy to either email you or you can teach me how to attach a document! 

I took what I read from the book and PBS (Positive Behavior Support) at our school to create my own clip chart method!! Practice and your own classroom feng shui will help you prefect your Classroom Clip Chart!

Teach well and Enjoy!!


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