My life by definition...

Why did I choose this title? Because it is my life...Jesus is life! This is my position, concerning my life by definition. I hope each and every day I am a light of God's word. This is my LIFE by definition of God's WORD. Hand in hand. Amen!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Making the most of every day...

Ever have one of those days when you feel like the 'to do' list just never ends?  I know that I have! Over the years I've determined what's important daily, and what I would like to get done.  There is a big difference. 

Every day I know I HAVE to workout (if I don't - you wouldn't like what you saw)  Because that is something I have to do, I put it in my morning routine.

There are things that I need to do every day around the house.  I have to sweep every day due to the monster my husband begged me for...aka a Great Dane (12 month old 150 pound PUPPY!).  I like to do about 15 minutes of my monthly deep cleaning list every day (I don't do more than 15 minutes - I set a timer to stop myself).  I blog and play on Pinterest every day when I get home from work - my decompress time.  On Thursday I start working on laundry by putting in a load.  Every day has something small...these I call my "routine to dos". 

I don't call it an actual 'routine'...because there are not set time frames or a particular order.  These are the things that I need to get done daily to keep my home running properly.  When these things are done I have two options. 
First - I can attack my "To Do" List... this is a running list of miscellaneous things I'd like to get done.  There is one for school and one for home.  For example, I want to create a 'teacher toolbox' for work and I want to organize my laptop documents at home.  Those are things on the to do list that I can choose to do when I'm finished my routine for the day. 
Second, I can just chill out.  I can read a book, watch TV, spend time with my hubby or God. 
No matter what, that time is for me to CHOOSE if I want to work more, or relax.  Knowing that there is that option after I finish the daily dos I don't become resentful or frustrated when I get home from work and continue to work at my home. 

Here is my schedule for routine to do.  I have it separated by week and then weekend. 

Also, just so you know why I have ridiculous posters...I am very visual.  When I was beginning to implement these schedules in my life, I liked to SEE them daily. It helped remind me of my goals and made me feel a heck of a lot less stressed.  I know what I have to do every day.  I know that if there is more, it will go in the OPTIONAL category of my to do lists. 

Moral of my ramblings for the day?  Life is too short to be stressed out all day with what you have to get done.  Pick the things that MUST get done daily and CHOOSE to do more if you WANT to. 

Love all!!

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