My life by definition...

Why did I choose this title? Because it is my life...Jesus is life! This is my position, concerning my life by definition. I hope each and every day I am a light of God's word. This is my LIFE by definition of God's WORD. Hand in hand. Amen!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th!!

What a week it has been!! I wouldn't have been able to survive without knowing that my Heavenly Father had a plan! I had to go to my quiet place in my mind several times this week and pray for patience with my kiddos!! Apparently the crazy LA weather (hot at the beginning of the week, raining in the middle, freezing today) and the fact that today was Friday the 13th, caused them to have diarrhea of the mouth and lazy brain.  They would not stop talking this week and on top of that, they didn't even attempt the work that I know my usually wonderful class is capable of! Anyone else having the same issues?! Haha - I'm sorry if so! SO ready for a three day weekend!!

Besides relying on the Lord during these rough days, or in this case week, I also rely on my dear friend Jodi.  She happens to think that she is a very funny person, and therefore, makes my life rather entertaining.  For example, she likes to pick at my OCD tendencies, and her favorite to get on me about is my germ-phobia.  SO...she bribed one of my cutest boys to pretend to pick his nose and then offer me a hug.  See...she THINKS she is funny!

One of our conversations this week dealt with the new growing medical condition sweeping public and private schools alike.  It's acronym is SAR.  Has anyone out there heard about this before?  It was brought to Jodi, Missy, and I's attention from our work friend Kim...or "Mrs. Smith".  Apparently, students with this condition exhibit disruptive behavior, poor grades due to lack of interest and motivation, and consistent excuse making.  SAR....Spoiled A** Rotten.... sound like some of your kids?  Lol.....

Now in all seriousness I love my job.  This week was stressful for the kids and me alike due to the weather and the build up for our state's standardized test! Poor babies - way too much pressure.  I just love the women I work with because if you can't laugh sometimes, you'll cry!

What else do Jodi and I do to relieve stress?  BOOK SHOP!! We got together last Sunday ... mistakenly at a bookstore ... so that I could help organize her life.  I bought books then.  On Monday, we could tell that it was going to be a long week, so we went to the bookstore...again! On my way home today, I needed some more retail therapy, and where better for a nerdy teacher like myself than at guessed it....bookstore!!

As you can tell from this week's book collection, my interests are all over the place!! From Christian authors, to sardonic, sarcastic lol books, to easy romance/mysteries.  On top of it all...the best pen ever...LePen! I love them for my bible study.  They don't bleed through the thin pages of your bible, but they also don't wrinkle them like a ballpoint pen will!! They are totally the best, and can be found at ...yes... bookstores!

Well - now that I am done with my crazy rant, I am going to catch up on blogging and give you guys some "whatever my cute title is for Thursday's life organization"... still need help with that one guys!!

Blessed by Him!!


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