My life by definition...

Why did I choose this title? Because it is my life...Jesus is life! This is my position, concerning my life by definition. I hope each and every day I am a light of God's word. This is my LIFE by definition of God's WORD. Hand in hand. Amen!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I'm soooo sorry!!

Okay, I know all of you are thinking, "This lady thinks she is organized and she hasn't even blogged in over a week!"

Yes - I currently suck. 

I have sadly been sick.  :(  Not dire, just typical Louisiana weather changes causing congestion, sore throat, and headaches.  I'm finally feeling better today, but when you feel like that, teaching a day can feel like teaching 10 years! It's miserable.

But, I'm back.  Yay!!

I promise blogging is now back on the schedule!! Praise God life can get back in order...just sucks tonight...time to catch up on two weeks of grading... blah!!

Enjoy your night all!


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