My life by definition...

Why did I choose this title? Because it is my life...Jesus is life! This is my position, concerning my life by definition. I hope each and every day I am a light of God's word. This is my LIFE by definition of God's WORD. Hand in hand. Amen!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Teacher Websites ... oh how you dissapoint...

As everyone knows...teachers have a very humble paycheck.  We get paid from our nine to five...and oh we get the summers off, but only a teacher knows the amazing work that goes into having an authentically engaging classroom.  I don't work nine to five.  I don't get my summers off.  To make my room function in the awesome manner that it does, I have to work constantly. 

Now...although I work very diligently at creating my lessons...I also beg, borrow, and steal any chance I can.  Why re-invent the wheel when you can download or re-copy whats already been created?!  One of my all-time favorite teacher 'steal' sites was  I looked up a wonderful elapsed time worksheet Sunday night, went to school Monday morning to print it out and discovered that, OVERNIGHT they began charging for their services.  It is only $20 a YEAR, but still, for everything we teachers do, sometimes $20 is hard to come by!

I hope I am not the only one willing to rant about such a subject, but I believe teachers everywhere, not just me, should be given a little more for what our job entails.  Now, not only do we bring home a very meager paycheck, but companies like to take advantage of our lack of time by charging for activity sheets. 

Okay, stepping off the soap box.  Hopefully, my site will create a place for you to download FREE (really) materials.  I love what I do.  Influencing children (in a good way) is very important to me.  If you can steal something from this site and use it in your room, have at it!! May the Lord bless you in your teaching endeavor and touch as many lives in a positive way as you can!

Much love!!

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