My life by definition...

Why did I choose this title? Because it is my life...Jesus is life! This is my position, concerning my life by definition. I hope each and every day I am a light of God's word. This is my LIFE by definition of God's WORD. Hand in hand. Amen!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Organization...Why I do, what I do!

I love being organized.  Believe it or not, I used to be a mess.  My dear friend Lori loves to remind me of my high school days where you could not see my bedroom floor due to the layers of clothes, papers, bags, etc that covered the floor.  My mother and father, however, were the perfect Type A Personalities.  My dad loves bins and labels. My mom love lists and perfection in cleaning.  With these two bringing me up, I guess it was just in my genes and had to grow into it.  When I became a homeowner and wife, everything just CLICKED.  I loved bins and labels, I loved routines, I loved cleaning, I loved lists!

My life is very organized, which relieves so much stress in my life! I love watching shows like 'Hoarders' and thinking, what could I do with their space?! I'd love to do something like organizing their lives.  When everything has a system, it just makes every little upset work out a little bit better.  I know where everything is in my house, and my hubby (who isn't as organized) knows where everything belongs. 

Here are some of the things that I do to keep myself organized...

Bins and Labels - yes they work, I love them.  I love Rubbermaid and Dymo - those two things together make my laundry room what it is, as well as my closet, kitchen, office, and classroom!

Planners - I'm trying a new planner out this year.  In the past I have always had a planner, schedule notebook, and to do list notebook.  This year I am trying my new Control Journal for the to do list and a 'meeting' style planner for a combination of planner and schedule.  I believe having your day in mind is very important to staying on track and organized.  Every night before I go to bed I write out the to dos I need to get done in the time slots that they fall into as well as what's going on in the day. 

Control Journals - where I keep everything for my home and for my school (I have 2).  For school I keep tabs for the Lesson Plans, Important Info, Calendar/Meeting Notes, To Do's, and To Copy and File. For home I keep a tab for Routines, To Do's, Family Calendar, Important Info, Home (Chores/Deep Cleaning List), Food (Menus, Reciepies, and Shopping Lists according to the store), and a couple of other things.

Routines - I have a morning routine and evening routine.  When I was getting used to them, I posted them.  Now I just keep them in my Control Journal for referenece when needed.

To Dos! - I love to do lists almost as much as I love bins and labels! I love the sense of accomplishment when I can cross something off...when I can see the list get smaller and smaller.  I have my to dos that are daily (the to dos are also like a routine when they happen daily, or weekly, but they don't have a time frame associated with them).  The daily to do's include things for my home and my school work.

There are many other things that keep my life in order and each week I will expand, help, and show how I do this!! I hope that I can help anyone out there that needs a little kick start for organizing the way they have always dreamed! Everything you see will be expaneded in the ....Gosh I still can't think of a cute name for Thursday...Thursdays! Lol..

Have a great one all!!

<><   (<= Thats a Jesus Fish...duh)


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