My life by definition...

Why did I choose this title? Because it is my life...Jesus is life! This is my position, concerning my life by definition. I hope each and every day I am a light of God's word. This is my LIFE by definition of God's WORD. Hand in hand. Amen!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Weight Loss!!

Okay...some of you out there may be cursing me due to the picture of me soo skinny for WIWW....but...I'm not happy with myself at this current weight.  I know that the reason that I have put on a few is becuase of my obsession with Zapps potato chips, indulging in going out to eat and cocktails with my hubbs, and my love for TacoBell drive through...

So - I have been tracking myself on (and the app for the iPhone) for about 9 months now. 

I don't want to lose a million pounds, just a few.  And the major part of the goal is to learn how to balance out exercise, the fatty foods, and healthy foods to maintain an appropriate caloric intake. 

Okay...the reason I was posting this at all was to preface why I am adding a weight loss tracker on the blog page....

I figured without an explination I would drop followers like hot cakes.

"This girl thinks she's FAT?! I don't need to read this stupid blog"
Hope you all understand the goal is for a healthy weight and a healthy lifestyle that becomes habit!!



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