My life by definition...

Why did I choose this title? Because it is my life...Jesus is life! This is my position, concerning my life by definition. I hope each and every day I am a light of God's word. This is my LIFE by definition of God's WORD. Hand in hand. Amen!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I have a little secret...

Okay world... I have a little secret.  And no, it's not that Jesus is Life! Haha...It's that, I'm an obsessive list maker.  Yes friends...I love lists.  I love organization.  I love label makers, binders, divider tabs, file boxes, PrintShop, planners, Cozi, and anything else that keeps my life in order.  My dear hubby makes fun of my obsession, but I KNOW there are people out there that appreciate learning a thing or two from me.  My life is not hectic, it is calm and in order.  I wake every day, spend time with the Heavenly Father, and then know exactly what to expect from the rest of my day.  If it goes a little off schedule, it doesn't matter because Jesus's peace will be with me for the rest of the day!

SO! Since I like lists and schedules I figured I'd make a schedule for my blog.  Now, if you make a schedule the CORRECT way, you must start with a 'living document'.  It may change, it may not.  So, here is how I THINK I'll be posting....

Monday - Motivational Monday's.  This will be the day that I post a verse, a good book quote, or song lyrics to maintain your Faith throughout the following week. Monday, is the first day of the week for my scheduled life.  So, what better way than focusing on His grace and mercy to have a positive outlook on whatever may come!

Tuesday - Teacher Tuesday's.  These will be the days my teacher fans can check out my ideas and freebies.  Please be patient with me as I figure out blogging and how to upload documents. 

Wednesday - What I Wore Wednesday's.  I'm stealing this from one of my fav blogs  Angie does this weekly to keep herself from getting into the 'frump' rut.  WIWW will encourage me to dress up since I'll be posting a picture of the outfit on the blog! Eeekkk!! :/

Thursday - hmmm... I have to think of a cute little idea of what to title this, but I want it to be life organizational tips. I feel like it's something that I'm pretty darned good at and I'd love to help my unorganized friends (like one of my dearest...Jodi) get their life in 'order'...  :) I believe it's something God gifted me with and I'd like to share it with all of you as well!
... and if anyone can think of a cute little title for this I'd be much obliged. 

Friday - Fun Friday.  This will be when I post random things....what I may have done this crazy 150 pound Great Dane's antic stories...what I may be reading (did I mention I love to read?)....or anything else I may have encountered this week!

Hmm...weekends....If my hubby has to work I'll post.  If not, I can't promise I will!

I'm doing this blog to help and inspire others but also to help myself!! I want to focus on the good in life (I can be a negative self talked sometimes) and this blog should be able to help me focus on the things I really do love in my life!! I hope it helps you (and you enjoy it) as much as it helps me!!

Blessed by Him,


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