My life by definition...

Why did I choose this title? Because it is my life...Jesus is life! This is my position, concerning my life by definition. I hope each and every day I am a light of God's word. This is my LIFE by definition of God's WORD. Hand in hand. Amen!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My first what I wore Wednesday!!

M' first WIWW....and let me say, knowing I had to post my outfit on my blog tonight really kept me motivated to not hit the snooze into oblivion this morning, but to actually wake up and get dressed well! I love clothes and I actually have a fairly/ridiculously large and full closet, but between my love of sleep and the stress of the job...I tend to avoid waking up with enough time to make myself crisp. It IS my New Years try and wake up and do my morning routine flawlessly (without stress and rushed feelings) and so far today, WIWW really helped!!

So, here I go!!

This is the whole shebang...My favorite pair of 'tweed look alike' pants from Twenty-one, an adorable white collared shirt from The Loft, and a cozy cardigan from...Walmart (yup...Walmart)!
 My up close view of the cardigan... I live in Louisiana...and today's FRIGID temperature was only 55 needless to say, one cardigan was all I needed. 

 Since the temperatures were so devastatingly cold all day (not) I loved the little embellishment on the shirt that I could show off when I got into the classroom! I love me some happy little flowers.
 Once again, new to blogging, so I have no clue why my computer illiterate self could not flip the picture, but this is my 'bottom half' close up - thank God I've been working out! This picture would have been HUGE otherwise ;)
As WIWW progresses you will all learn that I have no particular style.  I love Indy clothes, clean and pressed clothes, the "Avril Lavigne" style, sexy and sensual (let's not go crazy, but I do like to feel ... Gloria on Modern Family) and cozy, comfy jeans - I'm sure you'll see all facets, especially during the Summer!!

Blessings All!


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