My life by definition...

Why did I choose this title? Because it is my life...Jesus is life! This is my position, concerning my life by definition. I hope each and every day I am a light of God's word. This is my LIFE by definition of God's WORD. Hand in hand. Amen!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

I swear I'm back now!

I know I know...I am a terrible blogger.  I have basically fallen off of the wagon for months now.  I have a good but bad explanation, however.  HONESTLY, I was down.  I didn't feel like talking to my friends or anyone...why?  Well, for one the surgery that you all knew about, but six weeks to the day after surgery a kid texting/talking on the phone and driving rear ended me badly.  I've been dealing with major back problems and physical therapy ever since.  I was bitter and angry and searching for God's reason for all of it and I learned that all he wanted was for me to SLOW DOWN. I'm constantly moving and surgery didn't stop me enough apparently.  But, I am officially back.  My summer was one of healing and working hard to learn how to live with my back now and I'm ready to start back in on life. 
 Monday marks the first day of teaching life for our school (aka the first day we are allowed to start working in our classrooms).  I worked half days of summer camp at my school during the month of June, so I have gotten a head start!! :)  I can't wait to be back on track with blogging as well! I really enjoyed my time doing so and I want to connect with all of you again!!

I hope that everyone had a fantastic summer and you are all ready for school, and my blogging, to begin again!


Monday, April 23, 2012

I'm BACK!!!!!!!

I am sooo sorry I have been gone for so long!! I did not die.  I promise.  I was just so tired when I got home from work the first weeks after surgery! I will tell you all about it on Friday, but today is about Motivational Mondays!!

I have learned this greatly over the past 6 weeks, and even in the past couple days!! I can't wait to catch all of you up!!

Until then, have a fabulous Monday!!

See you soon!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's like going on a bad vacation

Surgery that is. 

I have been preparing all week! 

Doing loads of laundry.
Grading papers to post for 3rd quarter grades.
Doing chores early.
Washing sheets.
Extra grocery shopping for after surgery foods.
 And then to top it all off...SUB PLANS!

I don't know if a sub would think I'm their most glorious dream for a teacher, or their worst nightmare.  I wish I would have taken a picture of the sub plans for y'all today.  I have post it notes on my computer table and desk telling the sub that my sub plans are on the kidney table. I have labeled every page of every teacher edition that they may need.  Everything is highly organized and explained.  I am such a control freak!

My worst fear today was not knowing the amount of days I was going to have to take off.

My surgery is laparoscopic.  No large incision.  Still major surgery, but people can return to work much quicker with this type of surgery.  Surgery is tomorrow and hopefully I can return to work Tuesday.  That means I would only miss Monday with my kids because there is no school tomorrow. 

Problem is, I won't know when I can go back to work until my post-op appointment on Monday!

Stress for a control freak!

So I made sub plans all the way through Wednesday.  I have everything mapped out and detailed.  I am so afraid, however, that one of the subs might mess up my routine for the next one! AHHHH!

Good thing I have my dearest friend and wonderful interpreter in my room.  She can keep them on track and text me daily for my sanity!

I am so worried about everything.



Potential lifetime change in my eating habits

4-6 weeks of no lifting or working out

It's just such an upheaval of my life!  I know that it is going to help me rely on God a heck of a lot more.  I am going to have to rely on him to not stress about work when I'm out.  I'm going to have to know that everything will be fine during the surgery and if it is not, it's because it's in His will.  I will have to have his constant help to remind me to take it easy for the 4-6 weeks after. 

I pray that I can find peace in this whole situation. 

Ironically, as I'm writing this my dear friend Darla texted me. 

Obviously God speaking through her!! What a blessing!!

And it tells me I need to get off the computer because it's making me worry. 

Love you all.  Please pray!



Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A little late, but a little motivation - plus a glance at LWS!

I'm currently trying to keep up with my life as well as get ahead of my life while preparing for my surgery.  I will be out hopefully only a day, but for a teacher, that's a decade!

So, needless to say, I obviously didn't get to post yesterday...Instead I was grading papers :( Boo. 

First, let's begin with our Godspiration of the week.  As I go through every day, I try to remind myself of the Fruits of the Spirit.  It helps me stay grounded throughout the day.  When I feel angry or depressed, I remember I am supposed to have JOY.  When people are mean to me and I want to dislike them, I remember I am supposed to LOVE them.  When I am stressed, I remember I am to have PEACE.  When I get frustrated about repeating myself to the little monkeys in my room, I remember they are testing my PATIENCE.  When People are rude to my face, I remember I am supposed to react with KINDNESS.  My life should constantly reflect the Lord's GOODNESS.  When I begin to doubt, I must rely on my FAITHFULNESS.  When the time comes, I rely on my GENTLENESS to handle students tough moments.  When I want to snap (usually when one of my other Fruits fail me) I demonstrate SELF-CONTROL.  Through my Father, I am able to get it together and have a beautiful day in His graces. 


Today I did a small presentation on Literacy Workstations!! I love these things!! I wish I knew how to insert documents (help out there...please!) but since I can't...I figure I'd just share a few things!!

These are documents, but I'm inserting them as pictures...hopefully you can still snag them if you want.  If not...comment with your email and I'll send you the PDF!! :)

First...READING TASK CARDS... Whoot!

These are great for stations or any reading activity like The Daily 5.  When I first started tutoring, before teaching, I loved to use these in my small group to lead the discussion! Enjoy!!

Second...a "book report fortune teller".  The students can add the details into the fortune teller, create it, and then share their book with others.  They love this activity because they get to fold.  I don't know about your class, but for the past 2 years, my fourth graders have been OBSESSED with origami.  This fits nicely into that category!!

Hope you all enjoyed these freebies!

Love you all and blessings!


Thursday, March 1, 2012

I don't know what to blog about...

Surgeon Generals Warning: This Blog post contains makes no sense and may cause your brain harm.  Read at your own risk!

I'm supposed to blog about organizing life/home today, but honestly...NO ENERGY. 

I'm so tired...I've been sleeping all night perfectly fine, but something is draining me.  I don't know if it's the constant pain I'm dealing with, mental exhaustion, or just self-pity (yes...I'm feeling a little sorry for myself since I have to have a problem with it? lol). 

Needless to say...I've been tired.

So...when I'm tired like this...I don't do much.  I love to catch up on the DVR...drink a SkinnyGirl (shout out to Bethenny Frankel) a book...or my newest obsession, needlepoint. 

Yes, you read that correctly, needlepoint.

I'm sitting at home, currently waiting for my sweet hubby to get off work.  There is no point going to bed without him, because even if I try to go to sleep, I can't actually do it until he's in bed with me.  I worry to much...part of that OCD brain of mine.

Saw a funny Pin my friend Missy had on OCD... BTW...

it said...and I quote....
"I have's like OCD but all the letters are in order, as they should be". 

Made me laugh.  I'm so regimented in my OCD/CDO ways.  Did you know I'm such a psycho that I color code my closet and all of my clothing drawers?  Since I'm a teacher, it's according to the colors of the rainbow.  Basically White, ROYGBIV, Pink, Brown, Black.  I also fold my underwear and bag my lingerie.  My sister-in-law loves to joke that I'm crazy.  Maybe I should post pictures one day...

Well...I think I'm going to go read in bed...

Hope you all enjoyed my ramblings of the night!!

Love you all!!


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dressing better than I feel...

Let me just first begin with the fact that Gallbladder problems...SUCK! 

I have surgery scheduled for NEXT Friday, but until then I am on an extremely strict diet.  No more than 10 grams of TOTAL fat per MEAL! No more than thirty grams of fat per day! I am physically full after the bland and boring meals I consume, but I am mentally starving.  I normally eat rather healthy meals for the most part.  I eat two to three fatty meals per week, normally on the weekends.  But apparently, knowing I CAN'T have my favorite fatty foods (pizza, Mexican food, cheese, white pasta sauces, etc) makes me seriously crave them. 

Taco bell...want.
Lobster Ravioli...NEED.
Fried Chicken...I don't even like it that much but GOSH do I want it!
Pizza and cheese - LIKE IV ... NOW! goal for today was to look better than my painful side made me feel...

Here is my WIWW...

The top is a classic black v-neck from The Limited.  I layered a red Aero cami under it to match my shoes.  The black a-line skirt is also from The Limited

 Full front view... My jewelry is always the basic rings on the right hand (as mentioned in a previous WIWW post), wedding ring on the left hand.  I also wear the same necklace almost every day.  It is a Hodge-podge of my favorite charms from different necklaces.  It included my St. Christopher Medal from my dad and late Grandfather, my "Mother/Daughter" necklace charm (Like Best/Friends), interlocking hearts from one of the necklaces my wonderfully hubby gave me, and the all important Methodist Cross. 
Finally, the ICING on the cake of my outfit! My brother, "Big-C" works at a shoe store in our town.  He gets a tremendous discount and it becoming a slight shoe addict, if I do say so myself! When he found out about my pending surgery, he decided to buy me this pair of AMAZING Guess heels!! Brotherly Love if I'VE ever seen it! They are so fabulous and such a wonderful "sorry you have to have surgery" gift...I love random presents!! Thanks bro!!
...Now...Hubby...What are YOU going to get me ;)

Happy Hump Day!!

Blessed By Him,


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Encouraging GOOD Choices in the Classroom!

As everyone knows, there are about a gazillion different behavior management plans out there.  Sometimes schools will choose the plan all teachers will use.  Sometimes you bounce between different methods.  Sometimes you TRY to implement something that you saw in another classroom, feeling as if it's not working like it should. 

I've seen it all. 

 I noticed over the years, however, that the majority of behavior plans had a "good" color that the students started on and then "bad" colors that they would change to when they made poor choices. 

I remember once, in third grade, getting on 'YELLOW' for something that I wasn't even involved in.  Being the Type-A, OCD person that I am, I was devastated.  And even though my choices throughout the day were perfect (besides the crying when I first had to clip down) I still went home and had to explain the YELLOW to my mother...


I believe I have finally found a behavior plan that works wonders in any classroom. It's called a "CLIP CHART".  Every student starts out on the good color and can not only clip down for bad choices, but clip up for good ones! Not only that, but in my class on the clip chart, if you clip down to yellow or orange, you can change your choices and clip back up!  Positive reinforcement goes a LOONNNGG WAY.

Let me give you a little pretend scenario of how I would use my Clip Chart to fix a problem in my class.  I always use the same 3 steps. 

Let's pretend that Billy Joe and Billy Jane were talking instead of doing their work. 

The first step would be to praise a student who IS doing what they are supposed to be doing.  "I love the way Susie Q is doing her work - she is so focused and quiet.  Susie, please clip up!"  You won't believe how many students will start to focus more in hopes of clipping up.  Great way to refocus your class even if there is only one or two doing what they are supposed to!

The second step would be to give some POSITIVE redirection.  No negatives! "Billy Joe and Billy Jane, I would love it if you could focus more on your work for me!"  No clipping will happen unless they adhere to the redirection.  Depending on how many times I've had to redirect throughout the day, I may say "Thank you so much for focusing, you may clip up".  This rewards them for making a good choice. 

If they don't refocus, you would move to step three...the clip down.  "Billy Joe and Billy Jane, you aren't making good choices.  Can you tell me what poor choice you are making?"  The students may or may not remember what your redirection you either start with "Correct" or just say "You were choosing to talk instead of doing your work, please go clip down"

I've noticed for the most part, clipping up is VERY popular!! Each clip up is a different "Jungle Buck" amount in our classroom economy and each clip down is 2 "Jungle Bucks" off in the classroom economy.  The steps and rewards are as follows
Start at Green "Ready to Learn" - no money if you stay on this all day.
Clip ups: Blue "Good Job" - One Jungle Buck.  Purple "Great Job" - Two Jungle Bucks.  Pink "Outstanding" - note home, three jungle bucks and three school wide raffle tickets.  Top of the Chart! (When the students continue to make good choices after they get to Pink they put it on the very top of the chart) - note home, four jungle bucks, four school wide raffle tickets, and a piece of candy from the candy jar.  OFF THE CHART!! (Highest honor - student get to place their clip anywhere on my clothing or hair and any teacher that passes I am required to brag about the clip on me) - note and call home, five jungle bucks, five school wide raffle tickets, a piece of candy, and a pick from the treasure box.  They all reach for the stars on this one.  Everything pink or above also gets either a crystal or star sticker on their clip.  When the clip is full of stickers, that clip is retired to the clip chart wall of fame and the student gets a special treat basket that I pick up from the dollar store with just a few dollars worth of candy, chips, and goofy things kids love like silly string and playdoh. 
Clip Downs - yellow "Slow Down" - loss of two jungle bucks.  Orange "Think about it" - loss of four jungle bucks and they must fill out the behavior reflection form which must be signed by the parent and returned EVEN if they get to clip back up.  I give too many warnings to let an orange slide.  Red is "Parent Contact".  If they get on red there is NO WAY they can clip up.  I go through so many steps and warnings that if they reach red in a day there is no forgiveness.  They loose six jungle bucks, must fill out a RED reflection form and they advance on our school wide discipline plan.  They must also sit out at recess the following day writing an apology letter to whomever their behaviors affected. 

This is my creation of the clip chart for next year.  For the past two years I did it on construction paper, one piece for each color and it is just too tall for my little fourth graders.  This one will go with my theme and I will print it on card stock and mount it on Zebra Print - finally...LAMINATE! :) You may steal if you wish!

I think I have explained my method of the clip chart the best I can, but I learned all I know from an e-book I can't figure out how to attach.  If you would like it, I'd be happy to either email you or you can teach me how to attach a document! 

I took what I read from the book and PBS (Positive Behavior Support) at our school to create my own clip chart method!! Practice and your own classroom feng shui will help you prefect your Classroom Clip Chart!

Teach well and Enjoy!!


Monday, February 27, 2012

Needing strength...

Hello world!!

Sorry I've been so absent.  At first, my week last week started fabulously...Louisiana has a whole week off for MARDI GRAS!! That's parades, amazing food, time with friends...getting all youre partying out of your system before you give something up for Lent. 

My break was not spent that way, however.  I have been dealing with a health issue.  Looks like by the end of this week my organs will be missing their friend Gall Bladder.  I have been having severe pain when eating anything that contains high fats *aka - FRIED FOODS! NOOOO!* 

I am an overall healthy eater.  Tuna and salads are some of my best friends, but occasionally the fat kid in me calls for fried chicken, creamy pasta, or extra cheesy pizza. 

This week, I'm not creating my own Godspiration poster.  I have stolen it from Angie at

It seems to fit whats going on in my life right now....

I will keep you all posted on my happenings and hopefully get back on schedule with the blogging soon. 

Thanks to all the prayers and support!!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Off Schedule...

My life is off schedule right now.  God is purging my life of things he apparently did not want me to have.  The problem with this purging is the Devil seems to be in the details...literally. 

This purge has involved rumors, gossip, aggression, hurt feelings, and stress.  Basically DRAMA. 

I don't do drama...drama upsets an OCD life.  I like to communicate and express things rationally, not have people talk behind my back like we are wishing to be back in High School.

It saddens me. 

I am losing people I assumed were friends, but God did not want them to be.  I am okay with these changes, because I know they are from God and in his grand plan, but I wish it would be done already.

Through this, I love to spend time with God.  I have learned more about myself through this purge and how much I rely on FRIENDS.  I need to have their opinions, I need to have their company, I need their validation.  Not only do I NOT really need these things, but these people obviously didn't have the kind of morals that God wants in my life. 

God is doing this to prepare my family and I for the future.  Strengthening my relationship with the people that really matter.  God is also doing this to teach me a lesson.  I can't let what others do or think affect me.  I can not rely on PEOPLE to make my life complete.  I don't need friends, I should be happy to have time by myself to reflect.  I believe God wants me to focus on my extended family and my Husband, as well as HIM, to fill those voids.  That is what really matters in this life. 

I am writing this testament to let people know what God has done in my husband's and in my life.  He has blessed us immensely.  Things that we didn't understand and were heartbroken about a few months ago proved to be the beginning of this much needed purging.  Although things have been very difficult over the past few days, I can get through it all knowing that it is part of God's plan for me and I have Him walking by my side. 

Not only that, but God is helping build friendships in other, more lasting areas.  He is strengthening our relationship with family members that we were once at odds with.  He is strengthening our marriage.  He is also strengthening our Faith.  We can do all things through him. 

When I was pondering how I was going to handle things, I did some blogging on Christian blogs as well as reading the Bible and some prayer books I have.  Here is the inspiration that kept me moving forward even when I wanted to shut down.

From a wonderful blogger Angie (

From a "One-Minute Prayers for Women" book a TRUE sister in Christ, Darla, gave me:

And, from my daily morning devotionals
(Hearing from God Daily by Joyce Meyers and Jesus Calling by Sarah Young)

Admitting folly here - I haven't handled things well lately.  I've been sad, angry, and very hurt.  I let things affect me.  GOD SPOKE to me this morning about this whole situation. 

He said "STOP!  This is not how I planned this to affect you! This is not what I wanted for my child.  This was supposed to be good.  A cleanse.  A sign of my love.  Instead you worried about the people.  The people that were causing you pain.  You didn't focus on the GOOD I was doing, but you focused on the devil's details...the method I had to loose because you were so stubborn before".

I literally texted these last two pictures to my mother this morning followed by the words "Oops..."  I haven't listened.  I've worried about myself instead of worrying about God's plan.  My husband has already moved on...accepting that this was needed.  I obsessed and worried. 

Not anymore.  I am so ready to follow God's plan.  I am praying for healing in my heart from the hurt I have endured.  I am praying for the others that are causing this hurt and hope that they will heal from all as well.  I am praying for constant clarity of His plan and for God to continue to be strict with me.  Any followers...please pray along with me.  I know my problems are not as big as most, but I am very sensitive and these things tend to drag me down.  I love you all...thanks for letting me share!!

God Bless!!


Monday, February 13, 2012

In honor of the big V-Day...

I figured the "Godspiration" for the week should be love related.  All you need is loveeee! :) 

I hope everyone has a beautiful Valentine's Day!!

Much Loveee!!


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Making the most of every day...

Ever have one of those days when you feel like the 'to do' list just never ends?  I know that I have! Over the years I've determined what's important daily, and what I would like to get done.  There is a big difference. 

Every day I know I HAVE to workout (if I don't - you wouldn't like what you saw)  Because that is something I have to do, I put it in my morning routine.

There are things that I need to do every day around the house.  I have to sweep every day due to the monster my husband begged me for...aka a Great Dane (12 month old 150 pound PUPPY!).  I like to do about 15 minutes of my monthly deep cleaning list every day (I don't do more than 15 minutes - I set a timer to stop myself).  I blog and play on Pinterest every day when I get home from work - my decompress time.  On Thursday I start working on laundry by putting in a load.  Every day has something small...these I call my "routine to dos". 

I don't call it an actual 'routine'...because there are not set time frames or a particular order.  These are the things that I need to get done daily to keep my home running properly.  When these things are done I have two options. 
First - I can attack my "To Do" List... this is a running list of miscellaneous things I'd like to get done.  There is one for school and one for home.  For example, I want to create a 'teacher toolbox' for work and I want to organize my laptop documents at home.  Those are things on the to do list that I can choose to do when I'm finished my routine for the day. 
Second, I can just chill out.  I can read a book, watch TV, spend time with my hubby or God. 
No matter what, that time is for me to CHOOSE if I want to work more, or relax.  Knowing that there is that option after I finish the daily dos I don't become resentful or frustrated when I get home from work and continue to work at my home. 

Here is my schedule for routine to do.  I have it separated by week and then weekend. 

Also, just so you know why I have ridiculous posters...I am very visual.  When I was beginning to implement these schedules in my life, I liked to SEE them daily. It helped remind me of my goals and made me feel a heck of a lot less stressed.  I know what I have to do every day.  I know that if there is more, it will go in the OPTIONAL category of my to do lists. 

Moral of my ramblings for the day?  Life is too short to be stressed out all day with what you have to get done.  Pick the things that MUST get done daily and CHOOSE to do more if you WANT to. 

Love all!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Well...not exactly what I wore...

The Louisiana weather did it to me again.  I plan my outfits on Sunday afternoon (after I do the laundry and iron all the clothes) and today's adorable WIWW outfit was not fit for the suddenly cold weather.  So- the last minute change made me very sad and I did not feel it was appropriate to hold a place on WIWW.  Instead, I'll introduce you to some of my staple jewelry. 

Besides my engagement ring and wedding band, I have three other staple rings in my daily repertoire.  These are worn on my right hand and they all have meaning and help me stay grounded in the Lord throughout the day. 

(Please ignore the unpolished fingernails)
The ring on my thumb helps me daily to fulfil my New Years Resolution.  That resolution being to develop my Fruits of the Spirit more deeply throughout the year.  It is an endless band (aka it has a twist in in so that the test printed on it wraps around and never ends).  It quotes Galatians 5:22-23 "The fruit of the Spirit is love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." 

On the ring finger I wear two rings.  The first simply says "Jesus Saves".  The second quotes Ephesians 2:8-9 which says "Saved by Grace through faith". 

I love my daily rings.  Whenever I am stressed they are that visual reminder that no matter what, God never gives me more than I can handle. 

Hope this suffices for my WIWW - hey, don't judge ;)



Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I love my job!!

Okay, so I totally love my job! I love my kids. I love that I can behave like an 8 year old all day... I just love what I do!! If you're a teacher, you can concur with me for the most part, right?! 

Today I am finally going to start giving you some teacher ideas!

The first thing I can say about being an effective teacher is you have to be organized.  I hate searching for information all day and finally finding it when the lesson is over.  So, just like my home, I created a "Control Journal".  I call it control because that is what I am...type A, self professed control freak.  In my control journal I keep everything important.  Info about students, calendars, space for meeting notes, lesson plans, things to copy and file, etc.  I will be sharing everything contained over the next few Teacherista Tuesdays, but today I am going to start with how I plan my week.

I do everything through a two page lesson plan template.  It has MY schedule in order and with the time frames I teach.  When I am ready to plan for the next week (which I do every Monday for the NEXT week) I have the space needed. 

At my school, we are required to turn in typed plans.  On Monday I create MY personal plans.  Then on Tuesday I type them up and email them to my principal.  It's so much easier to create HER plans when mine are laid out and organized. 

I do "Workshop" style lessons in my class, so I am never teaching whole group except for Science and Social Studies.  If you are interested in what my lesson planning pages looked like before I switched to workshops, please comment or email me.  I will be happy to send the information!

Below is what the two pages look like for how I teach now.  You can see that I have the time frames mapped out, places to write out the things that change each week, the information that stays the same, and space for my objectives and stations!!

When I am teaching each day, all I have to do is open my control journal to the lesson planning tab and I have everything at my fingertips! It is a wonderful 'quick reference' to what I am planning on doing...even on those days where everything is going crazy!

I love my job, but I have to say that if I was not organized, I would not love it as much as I do!!

Enjoy all, and feel free to comment or email me with any of your questions!


Monday, February 6, 2012

Here's a little motivation!

I don't know about all of you, but sometimes I find people are cruel.  Success can never be celebrated with you.  People mock you when you are filled with the Spirit and happy ("Why are you always's sickening").  Failure is laughed at and no support or 'shoulder to cry on' is given. 

I want to change that in the world.  Even if I am the only person who behaves the way God intented us to behave with each other, I will.  Even if that means I'll be laughed at, mocked, and spoken poorly about.  It's not about me, it's about what God WANTS of me. 

Mother Teresa had some wise words I'm going to try and live by forever:

Have a beautiful and blessed week!!



Saturday, January 28, 2012

Weight Loss!!

Okay...some of you out there may be cursing me due to the picture of me soo skinny for WIWW....but...I'm not happy with myself at this current weight.  I know that the reason that I have put on a few is becuase of my obsession with Zapps potato chips, indulging in going out to eat and cocktails with my hubbs, and my love for TacoBell drive through...

So - I have been tracking myself on (and the app for the iPhone) for about 9 months now. 

I don't want to lose a million pounds, just a few.  And the major part of the goal is to learn how to balance out exercise, the fatty foods, and healthy foods to maintain an appropriate caloric intake. 

Okay...the reason I was posting this at all was to preface why I am adding a weight loss tracker on the blog page....

I figured without an explination I would drop followers like hot cakes.

"This girl thinks she's FAT?! I don't need to read this stupid blog"
Hope you all understand the goal is for a healthy weight and a healthy lifestyle that becomes habit!!



Thursday, January 26, 2012


One of the ways that I keep myself organized is through daily routines.  I have a morning routine, a bedtime routine, and many 'to-dos' that can be considered routines.  Today we are going to look at an idea for a morning routine. 

I find morning routines the most important of all.  Mornings that are rushed and hurried can influence your attitude for the rest of the day.  I believe that starting your morning on the right foot can put you in the right mind to handle what every comes to you for the rest of the day. 

I always begin the day with my quiet time with God.  I know for a fact I can handle anything if I put Him first every morning.  I find I'm more patient with my little hellins...I mean students, I am able to handle any upsets in my day, and I feel more positive and happy, even on those days when I'd rather just stay in bed with a good book!

I like to wake up with my husband.  His job requires him to get up between 4:30 to 5:30 am.  We have compromised that I will wake up at 5:30 every day and that gives me time to do my bible study and get his lunch prepared before he leaves no matter what time he got up. 

He leaves for work between 5:30 and 6:30, so after I make his lunch, I go about my morning routine. comes working out...I HATE working out.  I'm not going to lie.  ONE of my MANY resolutions was to talk only positive talk about working really..I LOVE LOVE LOVE to workout.  If I wait until I get home from work, I usually make excuses that I need to clean the house.  So, about a year ago I put it in my morning routine.  At first, it was a nightmare.  I woke up every morning in a terrible mood.  I hated that treadmill looming at me in the garage as I ironed my husband's shirt.  I cursed Jillian Micheal's name on the days I did her video.  It was horrible...until, one day I realized that I had more energy since I began working out than I had in years! So, the workout in the morning is here to stay!

After workout begins the necessities of almost any woman's morning routine.  I put them in the order that makes the most sense to me (why brush your teeth after you've washed your face?)

Now, the question some of you nay-sayers might be thinking out there...why do you have to have a routine!?  Why not just do it?! BECAUSE, how many mornings could you make excused to NOT do it?  I know for me, if it was a hard sleep night, or just a late night up grading papers, I could easily hit the snooze and sleep until 7:30, rush to get ready, and get to school just in time for pickup bell.  Why let the bad previous day influence the new day?  With a routine, even those mornings when I feel completely brain dead I can just follow the routine. 

Here is an example of my weekday morning routine!!

Now, to begin your own, FIRST list everything you need to do in the morning and how much time you estimate it will take.
SECOND, you will need to put it in the order you would like to complete it.
THIRD, use it as a living document.  It will change. You'll realize that you forgot about picking up the house, or walking the dog.  You'll discover makeup takes you longer than you thought. ETC!
FOURTH, once you think you have your time frames and order down, type it up, post it, and set weekly goals to meet every item on it until you build the habit.  Eventually you'll get to the point I'm at, it's a walk in the park.  I barely look at the routine order cause my mornings just flow. 

DON'T get frustrated when your routine is not perfect immediately.
DON'T overload your routine.
DON'T short yourself on time per item.  The point of the routine is for RUSH FREE mornings. Doing time frames that are too short creates more stress as you rush from thing to thing like running a relay race (not my idea of a calm, God centered morning).
DON'T make excuses and DON'T give up!!

Good luck all!!

Let me know if you need any help!!
Blessed By Him,

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I'm soooo sorry!!

Okay, I know all of you are thinking, "This lady thinks she is organized and she hasn't even blogged in over a week!"

Yes - I currently suck. 

I have sadly been sick.  :(  Not dire, just typical Louisiana weather changes causing congestion, sore throat, and headaches.  I'm finally feeling better today, but when you feel like that, teaching a day can feel like teaching 10 years! It's miserable.

But, I'm back.  Yay!!

I promise blogging is now back on the schedule!! Praise God life can get back in order...just sucks tonight...time to catch up on two weeks of grading... blah!!

Enjoy your night all!


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Please pray...

One of the strongest women I have every followed in a blog is dealing with something that she hoped for, but also dreaded for years today. 

I'm talking about Courtney Roth from Ponchatoula, LA.  I have been following her and her struggle since she started posting, a few months after her son Tripp was born with "EB".

Here is a quote from her blog:
"Tripp was born on May 14, 2009. He was diagnosed with a rare genetic skin disease called "EB." Any type of friction on his skin or mucous membranes causes blisters. They told us he would not live to be a year old. Every day he amazes us by his strength. He is a fighter and with all he has been through, he has never given up. He is the strongest person I know. Tripp wakes up each morning with a smile on his face. Every day spent with him is a blessing. God has a special plan for him. I'm just blessed to be able to witness that plan. "
Today, Courtney's son Tripp is finally out of pain and in the most beautiful place on earth, Heaven. 
Please pray for the family as they deal with their mixed feelings of possible relief and most probable, grief. 
You can also read a great article from ABC news and see beautiful pictures of Courtney and the late Tripp Roth.
Please pray for comfort, peace, and strength in this hard time. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

Organization...Why I do, what I do!

I love being organized.  Believe it or not, I used to be a mess.  My dear friend Lori loves to remind me of my high school days where you could not see my bedroom floor due to the layers of clothes, papers, bags, etc that covered the floor.  My mother and father, however, were the perfect Type A Personalities.  My dad loves bins and labels. My mom love lists and perfection in cleaning.  With these two bringing me up, I guess it was just in my genes and had to grow into it.  When I became a homeowner and wife, everything just CLICKED.  I loved bins and labels, I loved routines, I loved cleaning, I loved lists!

My life is very organized, which relieves so much stress in my life! I love watching shows like 'Hoarders' and thinking, what could I do with their space?! I'd love to do something like organizing their lives.  When everything has a system, it just makes every little upset work out a little bit better.  I know where everything is in my house, and my hubby (who isn't as organized) knows where everything belongs. 

Here are some of the things that I do to keep myself organized...

Bins and Labels - yes they work, I love them.  I love Rubbermaid and Dymo - those two things together make my laundry room what it is, as well as my closet, kitchen, office, and classroom!

Planners - I'm trying a new planner out this year.  In the past I have always had a planner, schedule notebook, and to do list notebook.  This year I am trying my new Control Journal for the to do list and a 'meeting' style planner for a combination of planner and schedule.  I believe having your day in mind is very important to staying on track and organized.  Every night before I go to bed I write out the to dos I need to get done in the time slots that they fall into as well as what's going on in the day. 

Control Journals - where I keep everything for my home and for my school (I have 2).  For school I keep tabs for the Lesson Plans, Important Info, Calendar/Meeting Notes, To Do's, and To Copy and File. For home I keep a tab for Routines, To Do's, Family Calendar, Important Info, Home (Chores/Deep Cleaning List), Food (Menus, Reciepies, and Shopping Lists according to the store), and a couple of other things.

Routines - I have a morning routine and evening routine.  When I was getting used to them, I posted them.  Now I just keep them in my Control Journal for referenece when needed.

To Dos! - I love to do lists almost as much as I love bins and labels! I love the sense of accomplishment when I can cross something off...when I can see the list get smaller and smaller.  I have my to dos that are daily (the to dos are also like a routine when they happen daily, or weekly, but they don't have a time frame associated with them).  The daily to do's include things for my home and my school work.

There are many other things that keep my life in order and each week I will expand, help, and show how I do this!! I hope that I can help anyone out there that needs a little kick start for organizing the way they have always dreamed! Everything you see will be expaneded in the ....Gosh I still can't think of a cute name for Thursday...Thursdays! Lol..

Have a great one all!!

<><   (<= Thats a Jesus Fish...duh)


Friday the 13th!!

What a week it has been!! I wouldn't have been able to survive without knowing that my Heavenly Father had a plan! I had to go to my quiet place in my mind several times this week and pray for patience with my kiddos!! Apparently the crazy LA weather (hot at the beginning of the week, raining in the middle, freezing today) and the fact that today was Friday the 13th, caused them to have diarrhea of the mouth and lazy brain.  They would not stop talking this week and on top of that, they didn't even attempt the work that I know my usually wonderful class is capable of! Anyone else having the same issues?! Haha - I'm sorry if so! SO ready for a three day weekend!!

Besides relying on the Lord during these rough days, or in this case week, I also rely on my dear friend Jodi.  She happens to think that she is a very funny person, and therefore, makes my life rather entertaining.  For example, she likes to pick at my OCD tendencies, and her favorite to get on me about is my germ-phobia.  SO...she bribed one of my cutest boys to pretend to pick his nose and then offer me a hug.  See...she THINKS she is funny!

One of our conversations this week dealt with the new growing medical condition sweeping public and private schools alike.  It's acronym is SAR.  Has anyone out there heard about this before?  It was brought to Jodi, Missy, and I's attention from our work friend Kim...or "Mrs. Smith".  Apparently, students with this condition exhibit disruptive behavior, poor grades due to lack of interest and motivation, and consistent excuse making.  SAR....Spoiled A** Rotten.... sound like some of your kids?  Lol.....

Now in all seriousness I love my job.  This week was stressful for the kids and me alike due to the weather and the build up for our state's standardized test! Poor babies - way too much pressure.  I just love the women I work with because if you can't laugh sometimes, you'll cry!

What else do Jodi and I do to relieve stress?  BOOK SHOP!! We got together last Sunday ... mistakenly at a bookstore ... so that I could help organize her life.  I bought books then.  On Monday, we could tell that it was going to be a long week, so we went to the bookstore...again! On my way home today, I needed some more retail therapy, and where better for a nerdy teacher like myself than at guessed it....bookstore!!

As you can tell from this week's book collection, my interests are all over the place!! From Christian authors, to sardonic, sarcastic lol books, to easy romance/mysteries.  On top of it all...the best pen ever...LePen! I love them for my bible study.  They don't bleed through the thin pages of your bible, but they also don't wrinkle them like a ballpoint pen will!! They are totally the best, and can be found at ...yes... bookstores!

Well - now that I am done with my crazy rant, I am going to catch up on blogging and give you guys some "whatever my cute title is for Thursday's life organization"... still need help with that one guys!!

Blessed by Him!!


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My first what I wore Wednesday!!

M' first WIWW....and let me say, knowing I had to post my outfit on my blog tonight really kept me motivated to not hit the snooze into oblivion this morning, but to actually wake up and get dressed well! I love clothes and I actually have a fairly/ridiculously large and full closet, but between my love of sleep and the stress of the job...I tend to avoid waking up with enough time to make myself crisp. It IS my New Years try and wake up and do my morning routine flawlessly (without stress and rushed feelings) and so far today, WIWW really helped!!

So, here I go!!

This is the whole shebang...My favorite pair of 'tweed look alike' pants from Twenty-one, an adorable white collared shirt from The Loft, and a cozy cardigan from...Walmart (yup...Walmart)!
 My up close view of the cardigan... I live in Louisiana...and today's FRIGID temperature was only 55 needless to say, one cardigan was all I needed. 

 Since the temperatures were so devastatingly cold all day (not) I loved the little embellishment on the shirt that I could show off when I got into the classroom! I love me some happy little flowers.
 Once again, new to blogging, so I have no clue why my computer illiterate self could not flip the picture, but this is my 'bottom half' close up - thank God I've been working out! This picture would have been HUGE otherwise ;)
As WIWW progresses you will all learn that I have no particular style.  I love Indy clothes, clean and pressed clothes, the "Avril Lavigne" style, sexy and sensual (let's not go crazy, but I do like to feel ... Gloria on Modern Family) and cozy, comfy jeans - I'm sure you'll see all facets, especially during the Summer!!

Blessings All!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I have a little secret...

Okay world... I have a little secret.  And no, it's not that Jesus is Life! Haha...It's that, I'm an obsessive list maker.  Yes friends...I love lists.  I love organization.  I love label makers, binders, divider tabs, file boxes, PrintShop, planners, Cozi, and anything else that keeps my life in order.  My dear hubby makes fun of my obsession, but I KNOW there are people out there that appreciate learning a thing or two from me.  My life is not hectic, it is calm and in order.  I wake every day, spend time with the Heavenly Father, and then know exactly what to expect from the rest of my day.  If it goes a little off schedule, it doesn't matter because Jesus's peace will be with me for the rest of the day!

SO! Since I like lists and schedules I figured I'd make a schedule for my blog.  Now, if you make a schedule the CORRECT way, you must start with a 'living document'.  It may change, it may not.  So, here is how I THINK I'll be posting....

Monday - Motivational Monday's.  This will be the day that I post a verse, a good book quote, or song lyrics to maintain your Faith throughout the following week. Monday, is the first day of the week for my scheduled life.  So, what better way than focusing on His grace and mercy to have a positive outlook on whatever may come!

Tuesday - Teacher Tuesday's.  These will be the days my teacher fans can check out my ideas and freebies.  Please be patient with me as I figure out blogging and how to upload documents. 

Wednesday - What I Wore Wednesday's.  I'm stealing this from one of my fav blogs  Angie does this weekly to keep herself from getting into the 'frump' rut.  WIWW will encourage me to dress up since I'll be posting a picture of the outfit on the blog! Eeekkk!! :/

Thursday - hmmm... I have to think of a cute little idea of what to title this, but I want it to be life organizational tips. I feel like it's something that I'm pretty darned good at and I'd love to help my unorganized friends (like one of my dearest...Jodi) get their life in 'order'...  :) I believe it's something God gifted me with and I'd like to share it with all of you as well!
... and if anyone can think of a cute little title for this I'd be much obliged. 

Friday - Fun Friday.  This will be when I post random things....what I may have done this crazy 150 pound Great Dane's antic stories...what I may be reading (did I mention I love to read?)....or anything else I may have encountered this week!

Hmm...weekends....If my hubby has to work I'll post.  If not, I can't promise I will!

I'm doing this blog to help and inspire others but also to help myself!! I want to focus on the good in life (I can be a negative self talked sometimes) and this blog should be able to help me focus on the things I really do love in my life!! I hope it helps you (and you enjoy it) as much as it helps me!!

Blessed by Him,


Teacher Websites ... oh how you dissapoint...

As everyone knows...teachers have a very humble paycheck.  We get paid from our nine to five...and oh we get the summers off, but only a teacher knows the amazing work that goes into having an authentically engaging classroom.  I don't work nine to five.  I don't get my summers off.  To make my room function in the awesome manner that it does, I have to work constantly. 

Now...although I work very diligently at creating my lessons...I also beg, borrow, and steal any chance I can.  Why re-invent the wheel when you can download or re-copy whats already been created?!  One of my all-time favorite teacher 'steal' sites was  I looked up a wonderful elapsed time worksheet Sunday night, went to school Monday morning to print it out and discovered that, OVERNIGHT they began charging for their services.  It is only $20 a YEAR, but still, for everything we teachers do, sometimes $20 is hard to come by!

I hope I am not the only one willing to rant about such a subject, but I believe teachers everywhere, not just me, should be given a little more for what our job entails.  Now, not only do we bring home a very meager paycheck, but companies like to take advantage of our lack of time by charging for activity sheets. 

Okay, stepping off the soap box.  Hopefully, my site will create a place for you to download FREE (really) materials.  I love what I do.  Influencing children (in a good way) is very important to me.  If you can steal something from this site and use it in your room, have at it!! May the Lord bless you in your teaching endeavor and touch as many lives in a positive way as you can!

Much love!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Under Construction!

The Lord has created this wonderful life for me.  I am blessed in a profession that I know He put in my path and this blog will be the home to ideas and inspirations that I have throughout the day.  I will be blogging about life, love, and classroom 'teachspirations'.  I love the life God has blessed me with and I want to share those blessings with each of you!! Please be patient as I learn the ins and outs of Blogging and I can't wait to hear from each and every one of you!